At 10 am on 20/04/2010 in the designated
pedestrian crossing of Boszormenyi and
Hosok street intersection an accident
causing light injury occured.
A 39 years old male, Sarand resident, drove along Boszormenyi street towards Mester street in
his red Suzuki Swift which was accompanied by a borrowed trailer.
Despite the red light of the crossing he drove into the intersection and hit a 14 years old boy who was
crossing on the designated pedestrian crossing point.
The boy took light injuries. The driver stopped and spoke a few words with the boy and after got into
his vehicle and left the scene.
Police asks witnesses, especially the driver of the Mercedes Vito van to report in person at
Budai Ezsaias street or call 06 52 516 400 or one of the 107 , 112 emergency numbers.